Sunday, December 16, 2012

A new reason to write....

A good friend and I were talking the other day and I mentioned that I was going to blog my experience as a way to clear my head and keep my thoughts together in one place.  She said to me that she thought it was a great idea because maybe somewhere there was someone else in my situation that could benefit from my experience.  I realized that whatever comes from this good or bad, that she is right.  Someone else maybe be able to learn from this. So I have opened this blog up for search engines and on the right hand side of the page there are a list of support groups, resources, and research that maybe someone else will find useful... I hope that as I continue on this journey that I will be able to update that list.  So to my friend, who may or may not read this.  Thank You.

***For anyone who may read this looking for the same answers I am looking for.  Please understand that the conclusions I make may not be yours.  Take your time, do the research, talk to your doctors and pray.***

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